Salty Carb packing with Popcorn

I went to Costco to pick up a prescription as well as entrusted to a full cart. exactly how does that happen?!

It wasn’t even justifiable purchases – I got a huge box of Fiber One Brownies – a product I’ve never tried before (and normally would avoid!).
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Yes, it’s kinda risky to buy 36 of something when you have no concept if it’s great or not. I figured I should try one right away to simplicity my mind. They are only half as great as Vitatops, however likewise expense only half as much so it kinda evens out?

Warning: Objects in my huge hand appear smaller than they are.

After Costco I went to get my half marathon bib. I’m not super excited about this race (because I requirement a break) however this would be where I would do my solo run tomorrow anyways. I’m going to treat like a long run full of new buddies that don’t want to talk to me.

Since I only realized the race is tomorrow this morning somebody asked if I’d be carb packed in time. Oh bit readers, you understand I’m always carb locked as well as packed in situation I’m going to die tomorrow.

I like eating salty carbs before a race as well as today I went with Orville SmartPop. It hit all my snack needs – crunchy, salty as well as a great deal of it (I requirement volume when I’m a snack monster!).

I’m doing a partnership with Orville Redenbacher this month as well as will be talking with their spokesperson Bernie from the biggest Loser next week!

He has always been one of my favorites from that show! I believe Bernie is adorable as well as he’ll be answering some RER visitor concerns via a vlog in two weeks! Please email or leave any type of concerns for Bernie in the comments.(image source)

Dinner was ww spaghetti on a bed of brussel sprouts. I’d sleep on a bed of b.sprouts if provided the possibility however most likely get up smelling like farts.

I believe this ad in my latest Oxygen magazine is a message directly to me – You are what you eat…

“So stop eating so much.”They can’t all be ‘feel good’ ads. I like the directly shooter technique anyways.

Disclaimer: Orville Redenbacher is compensating me for my wise Snacking posts. But, I haven’t seen one single free kernel of popcorn. I always have that salty goodness on hand for snack attacks as well as all my opinions are my own.







ធ្វកធូ 2





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OC half Marathon results as well as top 13 Highlights

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គ្រាប់ 1 គ្រាប់ដែលត្រូវចងចាំមុនពេលរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងពាក់កណ្តាលការរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងឬការរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងពេញលេញ។ ព័ត៌មានជំនួយការប្រណាំងនាទីចុងក្រោយសម្រាប់

15 ដំណើរការអាហារសម្រន់មុនរហ័ស

15 ដំណើរការអាហារសម្រន់មុនរហ័ស

អ្វីដែលត្រូវញ៉ាំមុនពេលអ្នករត់ក៏ដូចជាពេលដែលត្រូវញ៉ាំ។ 15 គំនិតអាហារសម្រន់មុនរហ័សសម្រាប់អ្នករត់ថ្មីក៏ដូចជាការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលរយៈពេលកន្លះម៉ារ៉ាតុង



អ្វីដែលត្រូវញ៉ាំមុនពេលថ្ងៃរសៀលម៉ារ៉ាតុង Rock N Roll Las Vegas ។ ច្បាស់ពីរបៀបលាងប្រេងមុនពេលរត់ម៉ារ៉ាតុងឬម៉ារ៉ាតុង

⚡ដោយ Shareaolic

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